London - Washington - Geneva
Heritage Lottery Funding (NHLF) Museum Design Applications Workshops
For the ninth year running, we have increased the overall daily capacity of our NHLF (National Heritage Lottery Funding) museum design applications workshops. These extra days allows us to be more flexible in order to fit in with staff's existing commitments.
As you are probably aware there was a recent name change to National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF).
These workshops allow museums and charitable organisations to book one of our popular NHLF workshops.
If you need advice and help preparing for Heritage Lottery Funding. Then we can assist you to make all the right choices if you are seeking stage 1 and stage 2 passes.
Due to numerous contributing reasons, National Heritage Fund application stage passes have become more difficult to attain. It is those museums or organisations that present their projects well that always achieve positive decisions.
The expenditure for the museum design application workshops are affordable and make the most of even the smallest of budgets. Sometimes these can be paid for by the NHLF themselves.
SMA design also continues to hold its 100% application success for Heritage Lottery Funded Projects.
What's stopping you call and speak with one of our team, your project will be glad you did!
(NHLF) National Heritage Lottery Fund
HLF Applications
(Stage one & two passes)
Feasibility & Concept Development
Graphic Design / Branding / Corporate
Object Mounting & Installation
Lighting Design
Commercial Exhibition Design
Museum Exhibit Design
Temporary & Travelling Exhibits
Project Management
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